“At Mirth and Dignity, we believe in the viral power of joy; that community comes in all shapes and sizes; and that Unitarian Universalism can too.”
Do you have an outside-the-UU-box idea, but you’re not sure how to move it forward?
The UU Hysterical Society and its parent group Mirth and Dignity are both “we’re learning as we’re doing” projects. Because we believe that Unitarian Universalism can come in many shapes and sizes, we’d like to make that journey easier for others on a similar journey! We don’t see ourselves as experts, but we have learned a thing or two, and are happy to share.
What Coaching might look like
We’ll have a conversation (or few) to talk through what your ideas are. This could look like anything from “I have this thought” to “here’s my awesome and detailed plan to change the world!”. What are you already doing and what feedback are you getting? We’ll help you flesh out your ideas, fine-tune your project, and lay out a plan.
What needs to happen for your project to launch? What tools and resources do you need? We’ll help you figure that out, and then create a budget for the project. You’ll end up with a spreadsheet with expenses and income.
How are you going to get that income? We can help you apply to the excellent Unitarian Universalist Funding Program and suggest other possibilities to get started.
And we can help you figure out how to tell the world about your great project.
The fine print
If you reach out to us, we’ll meet with you for an initial free consult of up to an hour. After that, we’ll both be able to decide whether we can work together. We’re only able to take on so many coaching projects at a time so even if we love love love your idea, we many not be able to help beyond giving you a few resources and a way-to-go!
To get started, fill out the form below.