Inherent mirth and dignity


For Worship

Breaking News: True Nature of God and the Centre of the Universe Revealed to Unitarian Universalists

The multi faith world was shocked last Thursday when the true nature of the Centre of the Universe was revealed to—of all Faiths—the Unitarian Universalists. Catholicism expressed dismay at the turn of events, stating “but we have been around longer, and they stole half their stuff from us”. Further comments followed this, but Catholicism’s words could not be heard over the loud spell of coughing that overtook Paganism at the “stole half their stuff” complaint.

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Bodies belong to the people inside them

Dear new guy in aerobics class,

I see you way at the back, cheeks red with humiliation, occasionally wincing into the mirror when you catch sight of yourself. Trying desperately to follow the perfectly synchronized flailing of limbs that is the rest of the class.

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WorshipLiz James