We interrupt our regular programming to offer an emergency bulletin: Church leaders are tired. They put together a LOT of zoom services on very short notice. For a whole YEAR…
Want to thank them, and bring a little fun to your zoom gatherings this summer? Forward this page filled with great plug-and-play options! We request a donation if there’s room in the budget, but these resources are for everyone—we want to get them into peoples’ hands!
If you use one of our videos, we would HUGELY appreciate you letting us know—it helps us get grant funding! Click “Contact” on the top left, to get to a form and drop us a quick line… And if you’d like to offer a donation so we can make more materials like these (this is not mandatory—just appreciated!) click on “Donate” at the top left (if you’re on mobile, you get to both menus by clicking on the three lines at the top left of the page).
Plug n play option
Our most popular service of the year “Hysterical Women” is available on Youtube—simply press play on Sunday morning.
My Muzungu Eyes Are Improving
This is a complete service, including hymns and children’s story, available for download by donation to Flaming Chalice International. (Most congregations using this service just donate the morning’s collection). You can “purchase” it for zero dollars in the shop, to see all the files and browse. We trust you to donate if you use it.
More of a spark than a fire…
Reverence for Weird Things is a four and a half minute video that tells a funny story in which Liz tries in vain to get a straight answer from her parents about whether or not her family believes in God. It’s more of a lead in to a dialogue style service… Also great to post on your congregation’s social media channels or in your newsletter.
Some other, less funny (but awesome) resources for Sundays…
Oh, Canada!
The Canadians hired Anne to do this year’s Big Lecture… Watch what she did instead (in 20 min chunks… Perfect for use in Sunday Services!). Note: This product has only 10% of the usual funny, but 100% more Anne.
100% more Ilara!
Ilara (of Ilara’s art) illustrated our “No-God Wears Comfortable Shoes” mediation… and the results are gorgeous!