Inherent mirth and dignity


Unitarian Universalist humour products!


Shipping on physical products is, sadly, on pause until the Canada Post strike is over. Check out our pdfs?
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To learn about our relationship with FCI, see the Flaming Chalice section of this website.

In Case of Tech Problems (Free)

In Case of Tech Problems (Free)


Despite your best efforts, is your multi-platform Sunday Service prone to occasional glitches?

Here at UUHS, we believe that one way to solve problems is to solve them. Another way is to provide “theological reframing".

This “In Case of Tech Problems” sheet sits on the pulpit, waiting for the moment when oh-crap-it’s-gone-wrong-oh-no. It provides step by step instructions to take even the most rattled service leader through a reading tailored for just that moment that gives the tech people a couple mins to troubleshoot… Followed by instructions for what to do if more time is needed.

It’s not just a stalling mechanism, though. The readings aren’t aimed at gracefully pausing worship. They’re aimed at transforming how we think of the uh-oh moment.

Hiccups happen because we are trying something hard, in the name of inclusion. And so, these moments aren’t an interruption of worship… They’re a part of it. We should think of them as a part of our spiritual “practice” (in EVERY SENSE OF THE WORD).

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Emergency Preparedness Poster PDF (Free)

Emergency Preparedness Poster PDF (Free)

A Flaming Chalice International Service! (Free) Liz James photo phone shot.jpg

A Flaming Chalice International Service! (Free)

Theology and Dishes Kitchen Instructions (Free) Screenshot 2023-07-31 at 3.52.18 PM.png

Theology and Dishes Kitchen Instructions (Free)


UU Indulgence (PDF) (Free)

Building Pranking Kit DSC_0700.JPG

Building Pranking Kit
