Inherent mirth and dignity


Unitarian Universalist humour products!


Shipping on physical products is, sadly, on pause. Check out our digital products!


PDF Hand washing poster (Free)

PDF Hand washing poster (Free)


When we say we want the service to stay with people through the week, we are referring to psychological, not physical impact.

At church and in the home… a little extra baptism in the hand direction is always a good idea.

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Organ Donor Cards (Free) Crafty Thumbnail.png

Organ Donor Cards (Free)

Theology and Dishes Kitchen Instructions (Free) Screenshot 2023-07-31 at 3.52.18 PM.png

Theology and Dishes Kitchen Instructions (Free)


UU Indulgence (PDF) (Free)

Kitchen Poster (Free) Dishes.png

Kitchen Poster (Free)

Zoom Worship Humour Kit (Free) Screen Shot 2022-09-13 at 2.15.54 PM.png

Zoom Worship Humour Kit (Free)
